Players: At the beginning of practice we gave everyone a homework assignment to come to practice tomorrow with 4 goals written down on paper. 3 of those goals should be goals you set for yourself to improve upon by the end of the season. The last goal should be a goal you want to accomplish as a team.
Parents: Please help remind your daughters of this homework assignment and talk with them about these goals so you, too, can help hold them accountable.
Optional homework assignment: If you would like to have input about the t-shirt design this season, please bring any drawings/quotes/sayings to practice tomorrow.
All of us coaches were VERY impressed with with everyone's hard work tonight! We want you to keep up the momentum at practice tomorrow night.
I just want to remind everyone that try-outs will take place in 3 days! Here is more information about try-outs:
Who: Any female athletes entering 5th, 6th, 7th, or 8th, grade for the 2011-2012 school year What: Try-outs for the Kell Jr. Volleyball team Where: Kell High School gymnasium When: August 3rd and 4th from 7-9pm
Please let me know if you have any questions about try-outs or the upcoming season!
I will be hosting a few open gyms this summer and would LOVE for you to join! They are on Monday nights from 7:00pm-8:30pm upstairs in the auxiliary gym. The dates are as follows:
Coach Amy & Coach Keri are very excited about the upcoming 2011 volleyball season! They both graduated from Kell and played on the varsity volleyball team. They are looking forward to building the Kell Jr. Volleball program into something great. Once a longhorn, always a longhorn!
For any questions please e-mail